Partner search
Find the right partner
Not just a sentence from an online dating service, but often also a key ingredient for establishing in Thailand or Cambodia. Good local business partners can be essential venturing into a new market. But it can be a difficult task to find the ideal business partners and negotiate sensible agreements with them; especially if your enterprise is not yet established on the particular market.
The Trade Council has experienced and sector-knowledgeable advisers ready to assist your company in finding partners in all categories:
- Agents
- Distributors
- Dealers
- Joint venture partners
- Sub-suppliers
- Acquisition targets
Identifying candidate partners
With the local knowledge and sector insight, the Trade Council’s advisers can assist your company in defining relevant criteria for selecting a future partner. Based on your company's specific requirements, the export advisers screen the market and provide a list of candidate partners that match your enterprise’s needs.
After selecting the candidate partners you would like to approach, the export advisers will contact the targets in order to assess their potential and interest in collaborating with your enterprise. Afterwards, you will receive more detailed information about relevant candidate partners who are ready to initiate negotiations with your company.
Negotiations and contract
In agreement with you, the export advisers will arrange meetings with the enterprises with which you want to enter negotiations. If you wish, the export advisers can participate in the meetings and provide consultancy support during the negotiations and in connection with drafting contracts.